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Jordania: Crisis amenaza fábricas israelíes en Irbid

Doron Peskin, 11.09.09, Ynet


La crisis económica mundial se está ocupando otro golpe a uno de los proyectos más grandes de Israel conjunta con el mundo árabe : Al-Hassan Industrial Estate en Irbid, Jordania, que incluye a muchas fábricas de propiedad israelí, ha sufrido una caída del 19% en las exportaciones desde el comienzo de la crisis económica mundial debido a la caída de la demanda estadounidense.

Según las cifras publicadas en el periódico Al-Dustour, el valor de exportación de la Al-Hassan en agosto de 2009 ascendió a unos $ 35 millones, representando un 86% del total de las exportaciones de la distrito de Irbid.
Se trata de una fuerte caída en comparación con los números de años anteriores.
Cabe señalar que el acuerdo de Zona Industrial permite a las fábricas vender sus productos en el mercado norteamericano en condiciones especiales, siempre que al menos el 8% de las materias primas utilizadas sean de propiedad israelí. 
Durante los ocho primeros meses de 2009, la exportación de Irbid ascendieron a un total de 256 millones dólares - una caída del 19% en comparación con los ocho primeros meses de 2008. 

La gran mayoría de las exportaciones de Irbid se centra en la industria de la confección, que constituye alrededor del 95% de todas las exportaciones. En segundo lugar, la industria de medicamentos veterinarios con un 3,3% de la exportación. 


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Jordan: Crisis hurts Israeli factories in Irbid


Irbid's Al-Hassan Industrial Estate, which includes many factories under full or partial Israeli ownership, suffers 19% drop in export since start of global economic crisis due to drop in American demand
Doron Peskin , 09.11.09, Ynet


The global economic crisis is dealing yet another blow to one of Israel's largest joint projects with the Arab world.
The prosperous days of the Al-Hassan Industrial Estate in Irbid, Jordan – one of about a dozen Qualifying Industrial Zones, a joint Israeli-American-Jordanian free trade project – seem to be over.
According to numbers published on Tuesday in Jordan and reported in the al-Dustour newspaper, the value of export from the Al-Hassan Industrial Estate during August, 2009 amounted to some $35 million, and made up some 86% of the total export of the Irbid district.
This is a steep drop compared to numbers from previous years.
It should be noted that the QIZ agreement allows Jordanian factories to sell their products in the American market under special terms, as long as at least 8% of the raw materials used are under Israeli ownership.
Many of the factories in the area are under full or partial Israeli ownership.
The Israeli factories provide a major part of Irbid residents' employment, and the factories' operation serves as the backbone of the district's economic activity.
Last month, export from Irbid dropped by some 10% compared to August 2008 and was valued at some $40 million.
During the first eight months of 2008, export from Irbid amounted to a total of $256 million – a 19% drop compared to the first eight months of 2008.
Raed Samara, chairman of the Irbid Chamber of Industry, attributed the drop in export to the global economic crisis and in particular its repercussions on the American market.
According to Samara, the Irbid factories' main target for export is the American market, and a drop in demand on the market's part has seriously hurt local factories.
The vast majority of export from Irbid focuses on the clothing industry, that makes up some 95% of all export. A distant second, the veterinarian medication industry makes up 3.3% of the export.
Doron Peskin is head of research at Info-Prod Research (Middle East) Ltd


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