Doron Peskin, 25.09.09, Ynet
El presidente la Unión de Bancos Árabes, Adnan Yusuf, dice los bancos del Golfo Pérsico han sufrido la mayor parte de su pérdida, sobre todo debido a la falta de liquidez, y se prevé recuperación a finales del año fiscal.
Alega que los bancos árabes han perdido casi $ 4 mil millones desde el inicio de la crisis financiera mundial. Los bancos del Golfo Pérsico, agregó, sufrieron el 80% de las pérdidas. La estimación de que los bancos árabes serán capaces de recuperarse a finales del año fiscal actual, se basa en el crecimiento de 3-4% mostrado en el primer semestre de 2009. Otro analista de banca de los emiratos del Golfo agregó que los precios del petróleo también han contribuido a la fé de la recuperación por parte del público en el sistema bancario local.
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Recession costs Arab banks $4B
Union of Arab Banks chairman says Persian Gulf banks suffer bulk of loss, mainly due to decease in liquidity; predicts banks will recover by end of fiscal year
Doron Peskin, 09.25.09, Ynet
The Arab banks have lost nearly $4 billion since the global financial crisis' onset, Adnan Yusuf, chairman of the Union of Arab Banks, estimated Wednesday. Persian Gulf Banks, he added, suffered about 80% of the losses. Bigger losses were noted as a result of a decrease in liquid assets, amounting to about $15 billion. Yusuf estimates that the Arab banks would be able to recover by the end of the current fiscal year, based on the 3-4% growth shown in the first half of 2009. Another senior analyst of Gulf banking credited the local emirates' governing with the banks' seemingly quick recovery, adding that rising oil prices have also contributed to the public's faith in the local banking system. Doron Peskin is head of research for Info-Prod Research (Middle East) Ltd.
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