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Saudíes a pagar $ 3,5 billones para cerca de seguridad

Doron Peskin, 12.07.09, Ynet

La Empresa europea de tecnología de seguridad European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS), junto con la compañía Saudita al-Rashid, han sido adjudicadas con uno de los mayores proyectos de seguridad en el Oriente Medio: El programa de seguridad fronteriza de todo el Reino de Arabia Saudita.-la creación de una valla que rodeará Arabia Saudita.


El proyecto se ha estimado en aproximadamente $ 3,5 mil millones, incluye un amplio uso de las tecnologías de avanzada, incluida la instalación de sofisticados radares a lo largo de casi 5.000 kilómetros de las fronteras del reino.


La idea, que no se llevó a cabo en el decenio de 1990, cobró impulso después de la invasión americana a Irak en marzo de 2003 y la violencia inter-religiosa que estalló en la región.
Los sauditas temen que la mezquita de Al-Qaeda y el terror que provocan los chiítas en Irak, conduzca a fugas hacia  las fronteras del reino Saudí, lo que provocó a la decisión de construir una valla de seguridad en la parte norte del reino.

Desde entonces, el proyecto se ha ampliado y ahora la valla está prevista para rodear todas las fronteras Arabia Saudita, terrestres y marítimas. Hasta ahora, Arabia Saudita ha invertido cerca de $ 2 mil millones en el refuerzo de las medidas de seguridad en su frontera con Irak.



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Saudis to pay $3.5 billion for security fence
European EADS company to carry out one of biggest Mideast security projects – setting up fence which will encircle Saudi Arabia

Doron Peskin, 07.12.09, Ynet


The European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS) security technology company, together with the Saudi company al-Rashid, has been awarded one of the biggest security projects in the Middle East: The border security program sapnning the full borders of the Saudi Kingdom.
The project has be estimated at approximately $3.5 billion. Additional American and European companies took part in the bid for the tempting contract, including France's Thales, British BAE Systems and American company Raytheon.
The project includes an extensive use of advances technologies, including the installment of sophisticated radars along nearly 5,000 miles of the kingdom's borderlines.
The idea to set up a security fence on Saudi Arabia's border was first raised by Saudi authorities during the first Gulf War, after then-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered a strike on a Saudi border town.
The idea, which was not implemented in the 1990s, gained momentum after the American invasion fIraq in March 2003 and the inter-religious violence which broke out in the region.
The Saudis feared that the al-Qaeda and Shiite terror raging in Iraq would leak into the kingdom's borders, and this led to the decision to build a security fence in the northern part of the kingdom.
Ever since then, the project has been expanded and the fence is now planned to encircle all of Saudi Arabia's land and sea borders. So far, Saudi Arabia has invested nearly $2 billion in stepping up security measures on its border with Iraq.
According to the al-Rashid company's reports, the agreement was signed last Tuesday in the city of Jeddah, just off the shores of the Red Sea.
Saudi Arabia is soon expected to issue a separate bid for the construction of a security fence on its border with Oman, and is expected to issue additional tenders for stepping up sea and aerial security measures.
Doron Peskin is head of research at Info-Prod Research (Middle East) Ltd.


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