Middle East Cement Update
A monthly publication focusing on the latest trends and developments in the regional cement market, the Middle East Cement Update covers the following topics:
- Local production data.
- Consumption data.
- Import/export levels.
- Prices.
- Company profiles.
- Involvement of multinational corporations.
- Government policy towards this sector.
- Development plans.
- Industry related issues.
Original professional publications, government documents, company data, and personal contacts within the region are the main sources of information for the Middle East Cement Update.
The annual subscription fee is $1,975.
Contact Us for additional details and ordering information.
Info-Prod Research (Middle East) Ltd.
Tel: +972-3-6448977, Fax: +972-3-6448981
11 Kehilat Saloniki St., 3rd floor,
Tel Aviv 69513, Israel